
Please first remember:

> You HAVE to be a registered and personally verified to book for parties
> If you have an invite, you CANNOT book for parties until you have attended the club
> Daytime Fun members CANNOT book for NIGHT parties, only DTF events.


Find the party you want to attend. To see all parties, click on ALL PARTIES in the main menu. All parties will be displayed. Click on the link to the party, in this case BATTLE OF THE DJ'S


A pop up will open with the party details. PLEASE READ THE DETAILS SO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE ATTENDING!!

Near the bottom, just above the list of ATTENDEES.. tick the ATTEND THIS EVENT? A CLICK TO SUBMIT box appears, click. GIVE IT a few seconds to register!!! DO NOT CLOSE THE PAGE IMMEDIATELY .. WAIT FOR A RESPONSE TO SAY YOU ARE BOOKED!
