Events Calendar
Rugby Finals Playtime
Saturday, 02 November 2019 - 9:30 - Daytime Fun
Sorry Friends. No Discount for early booking for this one, but please do book as it helps when we know who is cuming ;)
No verification's will be done at thsi party and should you wish to attend evening parties. Introductions are ONLY done at night parties.
General rules and conditions of parties available here. Please familiarise yourself with them.
Right of Admission Reserved / E&OE
Hi, there is a price on the banner. Those that stay for BDSM will get a discount...
Also there is no price mentioned for the rugby ...
1. Jy mag nie “moenie die fokken bal skop” skree
2. As Faf per ongeluk die bal skop moet die dames 'n shooter drink!
3. As Willie per ongeluk die bal raak vang moet die mans 2 shooters drink!
4. Jy mag net groen en goud dra anders moet jy uit trek!
5. As die onmoontlike gebeur en Engeland wen dalk, dan bly almal vir die UBDSM so kan jul dan van frustrasies ontslae raak ..geen op die skouer huil of groet of niks... lol
Hi. We are open till around 5pm as we then need to get ready and prepare the club for the BDSM party Saturday night. You are welcome to stay for the BDSM party....
The BDSM party is going to rock as it UBDSM 9th bday party