Events Calendar

Singles Night - (Couples welcome)

Saturday, 14 April 2018  -   7:30 - Swingers Parties

Singles Night - (Couples are Welcome...)

 Ladies free before 8.30pm (according to our watch ladies so be early..)

A singles party which is growing fast in popularity. COUPLES ARE WELCOME, but please SINGLE FRIENDLY COUPLES.


Wolfie's 40th Birthday Party


Hosted by Magic Wand


General rules and conditions of parties available here. Please familiarise yourself with them.

Donation includes ALL OF THE FOLLOWING!: Full access to all play areas, pools, jacuzzi, rooms as well as a full buffet meal and all available bar drinks and DJ's. On selected nights a saucy show! . Let's not forget all the wicked and awesome Roman members that may be there that night (well it doesn't make THEM available! - but they'll be there!)

Sleep Overs permitted!

No better value for money swingers party (or any party for that matter) in the country! 

Comments from our members:
"Thank you all for making another band night amazing.... atmosphere and peeps were awesome and the band was absolutely fantastic...."

"Definately a band night for the books!! Besides the band being as great as usual, it was the Roman citizens that made the party great. Have not been to such a sexually charged party in a while. Hope everyone had as much fun as we did and thanks to management and staff for giving us a place where we feel embraced."

Discounts - If you have booked online on the CLUB ROME website BEFORE 12 midnight on Friday before the party:
Couples - R- 600
Single Guys - R- 400
Single Ladies - R- 200
If you HAVE NOT booked online or unable to book online or HAVE NOT booked by 12 midnight Friday before the party:
Couples - R- 700
Single Guys - R- 450
Single Ladies - R- 250



+1 #9 Anthony Reed 2018-04-14 15:12
A green armband and a blindfold? ;-)
+1 #8 thomas andreas bester 2018-04-14 08:57
In my humble opinion, this will create a situation where people are not going to meet eachother, cause of an armband.... lets say you dont play.... are you going to approach a couple to get to know them? Think not...
+1 #7 Gary love 2018-04-14 06:37
Seriously people. Arm bands not needed at club. Respect respect is Rome.
#6 FandS 2018-04-13 11:46
Armbands are a must ... in fact they should be compulsory !
+1 #5 Pieter Nieman 2018-04-12 13:15
For those wanting to use armbands, please leave a message here and I will ensure that we have enough armbands to provide in everyone's preference
#4 Pieter Nieman 2018-04-12 13:13
I will leave the instructions as well but for now, wearing pink means interested in single ladies, blue means interested in single gents, yellow means interested in couples and green means interested in anyone.
+1 #3 Pieter Nieman 2018-04-12 13:11
For those who are interested, I will leave glow in the dark armbands at reception. You are welcome to help yourself to them if you want people to know what you are interested in
#2 Pieter Nieman 2018-03-29 19:54
@ LadyinRed - Is the chocolate liqueur for body shots?
+3 #1 Nico Van der Linde 2018-03-26 12:43
Cant wait for this one ,gonna be Epic. Choc liquer packed.

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