Events Calendar

Singles Night - (Couples welcome)

Saturday, January 11, 2020  -  07:30pm - Swingers Parties

 Ladies free before 8.30pm if booked before Midnight Wednesday (according to our watch ladies so be early..)

A singles party which is growing fast in popularity. COUPLES ARE WELCOME, but please SINGLE FRIENDLY COUPLES.



General rules and conditions of parties available here. Please familiarise yourself with them.

Donation includes ALL OF THE FOLLOWING!: Full access to all play areas, pools, jacuzzi, rooms as well as a full buffet meal and all available bar drinks and DJ's. On selected nights a saucy show! . Let's not forget all the wicked and awesome Roman members that may be there that night (well it doesn't make THEM available! - but they'll be there!)

Sleep Overs permitted!

No better value for money swingers party (or any party for that matter) in the country! 

Discounts - If you have booked online on the CLUB ROME website BEFORE 12 midnight on Friday before the party:

Couples - R- 600
Single Guys - R- 500
Single Ladies - R- 150   (FREE If booked before 12 Midnight the Wednesday before the Party)
If you HAVE NOT booked online or unable to book online or HAVE NOT booked by 12 midnight Friday before the party:
Couples - R- 700
Single Guys - R- 600
Single Ladies - R- 250



+6 #6 Frozen Fire 2020-01-09 18:39
Whoohoo... looking forward to see all the old friends and making new friends
+2 #5 Ladyvrystaat 2020-01-07 16:28
Wie van julle sexy bi girls mag ek op vry en bietjie bederf met my stapon.. Hehe xoxo bev
+4 #4 Pieter Nieman 2020-01-06 15:32
Havent been to the club for a while. Looking forward to chatting to a few sexy singles (and couples, of course ;-) )
+1 #3 newbies 2020-01-06 13:07
Think we should attend after a very very long time mmmmmmm
+4 #2 Beata Gers 2020-01-06 10:44
Hello everyone,
Am super excited for this Saturday!!
Cant wait to meet everyone
+2 #1 Ladyvrystaat 2020-01-05 19:47
Looking forward to the first singel party of 2020 8)

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